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Public Records Resources Directory for Kansas

View public record resources for the state of Kansas.

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Kansas offers a wide range of accessible public records resources for individuals seeking information. From arrest records and property records to business licenses and death records, there is a diverse array of records available for viewing. To explore specific public records resources, simply click on any of the tiles below.

About Public Records Resources from Kansas

Discover a wealth of public records resources in Kansas that offer a transparent and comprehensive glimpse into the state's governmental agencies. These valuable resources grant citizens access to a wide array of information, including court proceedings, property records, business filings, vital records, and government agency documents. Upholding the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA), these records empower citizens to exercise their right to access information, fostering accountability, trust, and informed decision-making.

Abbreviation KS
Capital Topeka
Population 2,934,582
Demonym Kansan
Primary languages spoken English
Timezone Most of the state: Central Standard Time (CST)
Greeley, Hamilton, Sherman and Wallace counties: Mountain Standard Time (MST)

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas

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About Our Kansas (KS) Resources

Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24

Welcome to PublicRecords.com/Kansas, your reliable source for accessing accurate and current information on public records in the state of Kansas. Our platform is designed to provide you with a wide range of trustworthy resources sourced from reputable government websites. Whether you're conducting genealogy research, seeking statutes and codes, or trying to locate a friend or family member, our user-friendly platform offers convenient access to these invaluable public records.

Public Officials Contact Information for Kansas

Search Kansas public officials by office, lookup addresses, or view their official website.

Image Representative Party Affilation Office Address Phone Website
Image of Laura Kelly, Governor of Kansas, Democratic Party Laura Kelly Democratic Party Governor of Kansas 300 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3232 Website: Red Globe
Image of David Toland, Lieutenant Governor of Kansas, Democratic Party David Toland Democratic Party Lieutenant Governor of Kansas 300 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3232 Website: Red Globe
Image of Steven Johnson, KS State Treasurer, Republican Party Steven Johnson Republican Party KS State Treasurer 900 Southwest Jackson Street, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3171 Website: Red Globe
Image of Kris Kobach, KS State Attorney General, Republican Party Kris Kobach Republican Party KS State Attorney General 120 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-2215 Website: Red Globe
Image of Scott Schwab, KS Secretary of State, Republican Party Scott Schwab Republican Party KS Secretary of State 120 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-4564 Website: Red Globe
Image of Vicki Schmidt, KS State Insurance Commissioner, Republican Party Vicki Schmidt Republican Party KS State Insurance Commissioner 1300 Southwest Arrowhead Road, Topeka, KS, 66604 (785) 296-3071 Website: Red Globe
Image of Caleb Stegall, KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Caleb Stegall Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Dan Biles, KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Dan Biles Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Eric S. Rosen, KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Eric S. Rosen Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Evelyn Z. Wilson, KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Evelyn Z. Wilson Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Keynen "KJ" Wall, Jr., KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Keynen "KJ" Wall, Jr. Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Marla Luckert, KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Marla Luckert Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Melissa Taylor Standridge, KS State Supreme Court Justice, Nonpartisan Melissa Taylor Standridge Nonpartisan KS State Supreme Court Justice 301 Southwest 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66612 (785) 296-3229 Website: Red Globe
Image of Jake LaTurner, U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Party Jake LaTurner Republican Party U.S. House of Representatives 3550 SW 5th St, Topeka, KS 66606 1785-205-5253 Website: Red Globe
Image of Tracey Mann, U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Party Tracey Mann Republican Party U.S. House of Representatives Longworth House Office Building, 1317, Washington, DC 20515 1202-225-2601 Website: Red Globe
Image of Sharice Davids, U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic Party Sharice Davids Democratic Party U.S. House of Representatives 2815 W 5th Ave, Chicago, IL 60612 1773-533-7520 Website: Red Globe
Image of Ron Estes, U.S. House of Representatives, Republican Party Ron Estes Republican Party U.S. House of Representatives Rayburn House Office Building, Independence Ave SW Bldg, Washington, DC 20515 2022256216 Website: Red Globe
Image of , , Website:

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. PublicRecords.com powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

Kansas State Nonprofits

Image Name EIN Phone Address Email Website
Image of Unbound Unbound EIN 43-1243999 800-875-6564 1 Elmwood Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66103 info@unbound.org Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of B&C Equine Rescue Inc. B&C Equine Rescue Inc. EIN 46-1980610 785-836-7443 740 W 125, Carbondale, KS 66414 Website: Red Globe
Image of Fundamental Learning Center Inc Fundamental Learning Center Inc EIN 31-1693508 316-684-7323 2220 E 21st St N Opportunity Drive, Wichita, KS 67214 info@funlearn.org Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of Variety Children's Charity of Greater Kansas City Variety Children's Charity of Greater Kansas City EIN 23-7431670 P.O. Box 3446, Shawnee, KS 66203 Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of L M Alcott Art Center Foundation L M Alcott Art Center Foundation EIN 03-0448515 913-233-(ARTS) 2 180 South 18TH Street, Kansas City, KS 66102 Website: Red Globe
Image of Star of Hope International America Inc Star of Hope International America Inc EIN 59-2844916 866 653 0321 13 N Main St, Ellinwood, KS 67526 info@starofhope.us Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation EIN 48-1249212 785 227 - 3387 515 Russell Avenue, WaKeeney, KS 67672 Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of Freeman Arabian Ranch And Rescue Freeman Arabian Ranch And Rescue EIN 47-3384716 785-250-4314 P.O. Box 75, Meriden, KS 66512 Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of Wichitas Littlest Heroes Wichitas Littlest Heroes EIN 47-1833024 (316) 364-3354 203 N. Matheson Ave., Wichita, KS 67214 office@wichitaslittlestheroes.com Website: Red Globe Red Globe
Image of sacred-Sexually Abused Children's Relief Endeavor sacred-Sexually Abused Children's Relief Endeavor EIN 27-0567085 913-850-4550 PO Box 23805, Overland Park, KS 66283 info@kidsaresacred.org Website: Red Globe Red Globe

Kansas Statistics

Kansas Population

Data from census.gov

Kansas Households

Data from census.gov

Kansas Median Household Income

Data from census.gov

Kansas Poverty Rate

Data from census.gov

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The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. PublicRecords.com powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.